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You can ask anyone who knows me and they will say I love books.  Visiting Indie bookstores whenever I travel is one of my favorite things, that and grocery stores. (You'd be surprised what you can learn about a community from its Indie books store and grocery store.)


Below is a list of books that I have found useful both personally and professionally. They are organized by category, although many overlap. There is not a book on this page that I have not read (no paid advertising here).  I add to this list as much as I can.  If there is a book you don't see here but think it should be, drop me a line.  I am always looking for my next read.


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Relationship Building



Stress Management

Meditation and Mindfulness

Personal Growth

Old Study

Relationship Building

  • ACT with Love - Russ Harris 

    • Russ is one of my personal favorites and someone who I look up to professionally.  He has a clever and easy writing style and his worksheets and exercises are wonderful.  This is a doing book.  Buy a journal to go along with it and get to work.​

  • Eight Dates​ - Drs. John and Julie Gottman, PhDs

    • Another doing book here.  This book is a wonderful guide to navigating the depths of your relationship and all the 'stuff' you bring to the relationship.​ Super fun and very accessible.  Great for any stage of relationship!

  • Hold Me Tight - Sue Johnson​

    • This is a wonderfully written book that can help you and your partner explore your relationships and your 'raw spots' from the perspective of attachment theory.​

  • Emotional Fitness for Couples - Barton Goldsmith, PhD​

    • A great an fun way to reconnect.  Read together or apart but it directs you to short conversations around lots of different topics.  Great for couples who are juggling lots of things and need a quick way to talk together about their relationship.

  • The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman​

    • What I like most about tis book is that it gives couples an idea of how to act to express love to their partner.  Sometimes we just need someone to give us a specific direction.  This will be very appealing for those "Cosmo Quiz" lovers out there.   â€‹


  • Love Worth Making - Steven Snyder, PhD​

    • This is not a how to manual but, as the author says, a way to untie the knots that keep us from good sex.  ​This was an easy read and is applicable for both men and women.

  • Come as you are - Emily Nagoski, PhD​

    • This is really an amazing book about women's sexuality that hopefully will be required reading someday.​  Empowering and fun it is a game changer!

  • She Comes First and He Comes Next - Ian Kerner​

    • These are two books by the same author (clever titles, right?).  They are packed with lots of information about human sexuality and a little 'how to". â€‹

  • The guide to getting it on - Paul Jannides, PsyD, Daerick Gross, Sr (illustrator)​

    • This book is a text book for many college courses in sexuality but don't let that fool you, it is a witty read and the illustrations are right out of ​your favorite superhero comics.

  • Size Matters - Harry Fisch, MD and Kara Baskin​

    • Fun and factual book all about guys and their body.  ​​


  • The Whole Brain Child - Dan Siegle​

    • This book is chock full of researched based actions you can take to make the ​challenges of raising children a little easier.  There is even a chart in the back for actions by age group.  Also check out No Drama Discipline, also by Dan Siegle.

  • The Joy of Parenting​ - Amy Murrell and Lisa Coyne

    • A great book to shape how you engage with your child as you look at parenting through values, acceptance and committed actions.

  • Simple Blessings - John Kabat Zinn

    • John is the top Mindfulness researcher and creator of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.  He brings his personal and professional experiences in this lovely book that can help bring some new perspectives.​

  • And Baby Makes 3 - John Gottman​

    • This book is the basis for the "Bringing Baby Home Program" and it is full of great information and practical skills to maintain ad grow your relationship after your first child.  ​

Stress Management

  • The Upside of Stress - Kelly McGonagal, PhD

    • A brilliant look at the purpose of our stress response and how to make it work for you instead of against you.​

  • The Stress Proof Brain - Melanie Greenberg, PhD​

    • An easy read with lots of great information about how to manage stress and stay healthy.​​

Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Natural Meditation - Dean Sluyter

    • This book was a huge 'Ah, ha!' moment for me.  If you want a simple way to look at meditation this book is for you.​

  • Wherever you go there you are - John Kabat Zinn

    • John Kabat Zinn is a pioneer in mindfulness research and this book is a gem.  Much more simple and practical than his other classic work Full Catastrophe Living.​

  • How to meditate - Pema Chodron

    • If you are looking for basic how to this is a great book.  Pema is an inspiring and down to earth teacher.  I would recommend anything by her.​

Personal Growth

  • The Happiness Trap - Russ Harris

    • Russ is here again!  A really wonderful and cleverly written book about how we can live fuller lives using ACT.​

  • Daring Greatly - Brene Brown

    • Looking to tackle that shame gremlin? Brene is your gal!  ​She's a shame researcher extraordinaire with an engaging writing style.

  • The Untethered Soul - Michael Alan Singer

    • This book is DEEP.  It can be helpful to read along with the workbook.  Michael also has a podcast now based on this book.​

  • One Small Step Can Change Your Life - Robert Maurer

    • Having a hard time making changes?  This book explains the simple technique of Kaizen which is about making changes without triggering fear.  ​

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