Gottman Card Decks
Free in App Store and Google play. Super fun topic starts and a great way to build Love Maps​
Looking for a way to talk about sex, this can be a fun way to 'swipe' your preferences and start a conversation (or a dare).​
This fun app asks some fun questions, has a monthly check-in quiz and can make a great conversation starter. There is a paid and free version.​
The { }And Card Decks
Thought provoking questions that explore different aspects of relationship for all different levels of relationship from New Couples to Long Term Couples.​
Talk, Flirt, Dare​
You can make this as dirty or clean as you want and it give lots of fun options.​
Come as you aren't​
A fun game for the role player in all of us.​
Video Games
It takes two
Only the two of you working together can master the game. Super fun story line.​
More to come...Stay Tuned!